💹Pump Opening and Buying Tutorial

Pump Opening and Buying | Custom Opening Increase | Multi-Address Hidden Transactions

SlerfTools innovative feature, PumpFun, allows bundling other addresses for 100% earliest buys, custom opening increase, multi-address hidden transactions, and potential early gains.

How to Use the Pump.fun Opening and Buying Tool:

  1. Connect Your Wallet

  2. Enter the Name You Want to Set for the Token (Full Project Name)

  3. Fill in the Token Symbol (up to 10 characters, token abbreviation)

  4. Upload the Token's Logo Image

  5. Fill in the Token Description for Public Display

  6. Enter the Amount You Want to Buy with Your Current Wallet (Optional)

  7. Add Token Description and Social Links (Optional)

  8. Set Parameters for Other Wallets to Buy (Supports up to 16 wallets for 100% earliest buys)

  9. Set Jito Tip (Optional)

  10. Submit On-Chain to Complete Pump Opening and Buying


  • A computer or a mobile phone

  • Solana wallet (Phantom wallet installation tutorial)

  • At least 0.1 SOL in the wallet (Pump official will charge 0.02 SOL)

  • Relevant information and logo of the token

  • Private keys of the addresses to buy and some SOL

Specific steps:

  1. Connect Your Wallet

    • SlerfTools currently supports various popular Solana wallets, such as Solflare, Phantom, OK Wallet, etc. This example uses the Phantom wallet.

    Pump Opening and Buying: https://slerf.tools/en-us/pump-launch-and-buy-token/solana

Enter the SlerfTools Pump Opening and Buying page, and you can switch the language in the upper right corner.

  1. Fill in the token-related information

  1. Enter the amount you want to buy with your current wallet (optional)

  1. Set parameters for other wallets to buy:

    • You can manually import or bulk import private keys (supports up to 16 addresses for 100% earliest buys).

    • After importing, set the amount of SOL each wallet will buy (wallet balance must be ≥ 0.1 SOL).

    • By default, there are 3 wallet address input fields. If you only need 1 or 2 addresses to buy, delete the extra input fields.

  1. Set the Jito tip (optional).

Jito tips can be simply understood as a "bribe" fee that users choose to pay to miners to increase the priority of the transaction. The higher the fee, the faster the transaction gets on the chain.

  1. Submit on-chain to complete Pump opening and buying:

    • Generate metadata

    • Sign and submit on-chain

    • Deploy and trade on-chain

This feature relies on Jito's bundling functionality. Due to the complex influences of the network environment, Jito nodes, RPC nodes, and block processing engines, this feature may face a high failure rate. If the operation fails, the opening will not be successful, and no fees will be incurred. Please try changing the RPC node, block processing engine, increase the Jito tip (recommended 0.01 SOL), and consider trying again during periods of lower on-chain activity.

For Pump.Fun opening and simultaneous buying, please ensure that the buying wallets have sufficient funds for the purchase and GAS to avoid transaction failures. You can set up to 16 addresses for simultaneous buying.

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